Have a recipe you think we’re missing? Submit your favorite recipes to the co-op online recipe book below: Your Name (required) Your Email (required) A little background about your history with the Co-op (if any) A few brief sentences about the recipe (required) Recipe Name (required) Course of Meal (required) AppetizerSoupFishMain DishSaladDessert Season (required) WinterSpringSummerFallAny season Prep time - number of minutes (required) Cook time - number of minutes Passive time - number of minutes (number of minutes) Dietary Notes (type of cuisine, dietary concerns, etc) (required) Servings (required) Ingredients (amount, unit then ingredient) (required) Instructions (required) Please note: We may edit recipes slightly for clarity and brevity, and we don't guarantee to include all recipes. Please submit a high-resolution photo of your completed dish that is at least 600px on the shortest side and under 4MB filesize. JPG or PNG files only. Photo of your dish (required) Δ